Imagine a life without the chatter of the mind! There would be no voice in the head--that voice that says “you are not good enough”, you won’t ever get it right”, “you need to be afraid”, “people don’t like you unless you do what they say”--the list goes on and on. I have a sense that as you are reading this, you are relating.
We all have mind chatter! Our mind thinks it is protecting us. It is keeping us safe, keeping us contained in our comfort zones, keeping us from growing. It is kind of like an over-protective Mother.
So how does one embrace that chatter and understand it for what it is?
It is not the same thing as the “still, small voice within us”. That voice comes from our heart consciousness, our Divine connection, our intuition.
What I am proposing is that embracing that heart voice will quiet the mind chatter. The heart voice is coming from such clarity and truth, such love and compassion--there is no space for doubt or fear. That heart voice dwells within each of us--24/7! Imagine that--an inner resource that is available at all times, under all circumstances.
The only requirement is that one is listening closely enough to hear the message.
The starting point is getting quiet, breathing into the silence and simply sitting with that breath. We all need to breathe! That is a given.
The important piece is to be willing to sit with the breath. It is yours, it is mine, it's life!
I invite you to sit with your breath and listen--the mind chatter will be first to show up--listen and let it go--breathe, and there it is, but each time you listen and let it go, the quickness in which it shows up will lessen. You will become one with your breath. You will be enthralled with how it just comes and goes. You will begin to appreciate it’s simplicity and regularity. It sustains you.
What I just described is a practice, but so worth the reward!
My book, UNLOCK YOUR HEART: GOAL SETTING FROM THE INSIDE OUT provides an incredible tool for being free of mind chatter and finding joy in the stillness.
~ Jane Ellen Davis,
We all have mind chatter! Our mind thinks it is protecting us. It is keeping us safe, keeping us contained in our comfort zones, keeping us from growing. It is kind of like an over-protective Mother.
So how does one embrace that chatter and understand it for what it is?
It is not the same thing as the “still, small voice within us”. That voice comes from our heart consciousness, our Divine connection, our intuition.
What I am proposing is that embracing that heart voice will quiet the mind chatter. The heart voice is coming from such clarity and truth, such love and compassion--there is no space for doubt or fear. That heart voice dwells within each of us--24/7! Imagine that--an inner resource that is available at all times, under all circumstances.
The only requirement is that one is listening closely enough to hear the message.
The starting point is getting quiet, breathing into the silence and simply sitting with that breath. We all need to breathe! That is a given.
The important piece is to be willing to sit with the breath. It is yours, it is mine, it's life!
I invite you to sit with your breath and listen--the mind chatter will be first to show up--listen and let it go--breathe, and there it is, but each time you listen and let it go, the quickness in which it shows up will lessen. You will become one with your breath. You will be enthralled with how it just comes and goes. You will begin to appreciate it’s simplicity and regularity. It sustains you.
What I just described is a practice, but so worth the reward!
My book, UNLOCK YOUR HEART: GOAL SETTING FROM THE INSIDE OUT provides an incredible tool for being free of mind chatter and finding joy in the stillness.
~ Jane Ellen Davis,