As time passes those of us who have spent time studying the spiritual, begin to realize that fixing is not in the equation. Each one has to be with her personal life plan or experience in the her own way, at her own pace. Those of us who are mothers bring another being into the world and we hold on with a force that is beyond description. We love and we guide and we hope for the very best for our children. There comes a time as they grow that we understand from the depth of our core that we must let go and let be. It is a very difficult revelation for us—because we so want happiness to be there for our children. WE do not want them to suffer any losses, disease or accidents and yet—all of those experiences are somewhere in their personal development.
And so at some point we begin to see that we must step back, breathe within ourselves and release our attachment to thinking that we know what is best.
That huge piece—embrace what is and let it be—let it play out—meet it face to face and love it for what it is—Such a huge requirement on the spiritual path—and so important!! It is vital that we finally surrender and trust and know that all will be as it is meant to be—in it’s own time—with or without our manipulation.
What a freeing knowingness this is—to know that we are released from any attachment to an outcome that we really have no control over!! We can be present watching and loving—and that is all we have to do—or be—JUST LOVE —FULLY PRESENT—ALWAYS!